Join us Sunday Mornings at 10:30 am. 278 S. Mango Street Englewood, FL 34223
Office (941) 662-8859
Join us Sunday Mornings at 10:30 am. 278 S. Mango Street Englewood, FL 34223
Office (941) 662-8859
The Evangelical Free Church of America is an association of some 1,500 autonomous and interdependent churches and church plants united by a mutual commitment to serve our Lord Jesus Christ under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and obedience to the Word of God. We are committed to cooperate with one another in ministry and fellowship as we seek to fulfill the Great Commission which Christ has entrusted to His Church. The growing ministry of the EFCA currently extends to some 50 countries of the world.
“Evangelical” refers to our faith, our theology. We are committed to the proclamation of the Gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ, and to the Scriptures as being the inspired, inerrant, authoritative and sufficient Word of God.
“Free” refers to our polity, our structure and organization. We are committed to a congregational form of government.
For more information, click the EFCA image for their website.
Join us for a great night of Gospel music with our dear friends Ernie and Jason Couch on Saturday, Feb. 8th.